Adobe Dreamweaver + XD for web design
Good day, Has anyone used Adobe Dreamweaver + XD and then upload it to Duda web page?
E-Commerce & SEO Question: What do you do about products no longer being sold?
Hello All! I have a question. How do you all handle 404 pages associated with products no longer being sold on a website? Do you create 301 redirects for every single product? Or do you leave the pages as 404 pages? Or do you set product pages to not index? I worry about the SEO impact of leaving 404 pages as-is and I…
Configure domain mobile
Hello everyone We use Duda only for mobile site and severl years ago i've configured the mobile url of the site m.mydomain.it setting the dns record CNAME m = mobile.dudasite.com everything has always worked but now if I access my domain m.stelladimaremma.it the window displayed is ERROR 403 Forbidden. Has anything changed…
Third Party Ecommerce - Product Reviews
How do you add product reviews to individual products on third party ecommerce store? I've looked for apps, but can't seem to find them. I am specifically looking for a way my client's customers can click on the item they sell and leave a review and shows a star rating. I could have sworn there used to be a widget/app that…
Alt Text from embedded Alt Text metadata
I work with a large amount of images. Almost all of them come through Lightroom Classic. I can add Alt Text to the metadata that gets exported and embedded in my jpgs. It would be great if Duda's import system could read that metadata and autofill the Alt Text info.
Recipe Card Widget
I'm working with a client who needs a recipe blog as part of his site. Is there anything like the WP recipe card plugins for Duda? Something that will capture the key components of a recipe and allow you to segment that on a page and also have a print function?
RESOLVED - Any idea why my blog page does not show the top 6 blogs or header?
I published a blog post and went to check out the live version and displays in the middle of the list of blog posts, cutting off the 6 most recent posts and the header ( ). When I go to the page in the Duda editor it looks like Image 1. I have tried deleting the widget, deleted the row and added a new row, cleared all…
Header on 404 page
Hello, I'm trying to customize my 404 page on two separate sites. One a 3rd party ecommerce and the other a regular site. On both, when I try to customize the 404 page under settings, it doesn't populate the site's standard header. I'm not sure why, and when I try to copy/paste it in the normal body (to essentially mimic…
How Did You Get Collection Issue Solved When It Comes To Google Sheets?
Hello all, Not sure if any of you experienced this but I am in the process of launching a new website. There is going to be a directory on the website with a Google Sheet connected in the collections. In the preview however, when we are trying to connect the data to the directory, the directory just disappears. Has anyone…
Third party eCommerce - Single Item Discount
Hi, Does anyone know a way with the third party store of being able to allow customers to receive a set discount rate on a single item in storefront? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Jason