Not Able To Connect Google Sheet To Directory With Connect To Data
Hello all, Not sure if any of you experienced this but I am in the process of launching a new website. There is going to be a directory on the website with a Google Sheet connected in the collections. In the preview however, when we are trying to connect the data to the directory, the directory just disappears. Has anyone…
Membership connectivity with Stripe
Hello, we are currently using the Membership pro version because the Membership Business version is very poor for connectivity with Stripe. At the moment it doesn't have any one-off payments available and no user management as well… Could you give some colour on when you plan to roll out a proper membership or…
Does Duda allow you to create/modify a robots.txt file? I know I can set properties for specific pages (no index under SEO for a page), but I'd like to exclude some other items from bots and haven't been able to find a way to modify the file directly. Anyone have experience with this?
Hi there, Is any way we can add upsell on duda e-commerce store? If yes, can you please send me the link with more information or how is this working?
Changing the scroll bar on your Duda Websites.
Changing the scroll bar on your Duda Websites. Aj Pfeil As an agency, one of our favorite things to do is think outside the box and figure out ways to make our small business client’s websites stand out. We believe in and love simplicity and never try to put too much on a website so that it does not become too overbearing,…
Editing URL slugs for product pages?
Hi. I have an ecommerce store. From everything I understand, my product page URL slugs are automatically populated by the title of the product. Is it possible at all to manually edit the slug? So that it doesn't default to the product title. The reason being, I naturally am using proper grammar to capitalize the title's…
Recommended Active Campaign Integration
For those using AC, what's the best way to integrate AC Site Tracking in DUDA? Do you install the script in the Body end HTML? How do you verify if it's working?
How do I set separate Navigation for each page of a website?
I am building a site that will need unique navigation for each page. What is the best way to approach this?
How do I Re-Access a hidden element with the Editor?
Hello Duda Community. Context: I chose a template that worked for my needs, but it has a header that does NOT seem to be using Flex. I have a "Book a Consult" Button at the top right, and placed a "Click to Call" button, and hid it from Desktop view. Issue: Now I want to be able to access the hidden button via the Duda…
Hi, I am new to Duda and really like the concept so far. One thing I noticed however are the CDN URLs for images and PDFs on Duda sites. For my old non-Duda site I used Cloudflare and every cached URL is beautiful and starts with mysite.com, not cdn-website.com/some_cryptic_number/. I am afraid this is by design and I need…