Html Widget in header disapears on shrinking header
I have tested with some code and just some plain text, If i insert the HTML widget into a header and the header has shrinking header enabled, when scrolling the Widget becomes invisable. to get round this I have to remove shrinking header and just apply sticky header however this isnt the look i am trying to acheive. I wonder if anyone has experianced this and is there a possible solution. I can add a button or any other widget and they remain visable when the header shrinks, for some reason HTML widget regardless of its contents disapears.
Best Answer
Hi there, @GFD!
This is the expected behavior, but I do have some CSS code that you can utilize! If you add the code below to the site.css file and target the class of the element you've added, it should work on scroll:
div#dm .dmHeader.p_hfcontainer.scroll-responder_set#hcontainer [class name] {
display: block !important;
}I hope this works for you! 😄