Recommended Blog Post Image Sizes

Bryon_McCartney Member Posts: 11
edited April 2022 in Ask a Question

I tried searching for this here and in support, but what are the recommended sizes or aspect ratios for blog graphics? Specifically, the ‘Post main image’ and the ‘Post thumbnail?"


Best Answer

  • Bruce_McCaughan
    Bruce_McCaughan Member Posts: 132 Learner
    Answer ✓

    Bryon, I know I answered your question about blog image sizes on the Facebook Group, but just to clarify for anyone reading this, the table posted above might be mis-leading. That is not telling us to make our images that size. It is just letting us know what widths the editor assigns for various iterations of the uploaded images.

    Blog "settings" for each article includes 2 images. "Main" and "Thumbnail".

    The Main image renders depending on how (or IF) you are using it in your blog article template. The "thumbnail" image is used as the thumbnail in the All Posts Widget. But more importantly, it also gets used as the OG image for social sharing. As such, best practice is to make it an aspect ratio equal to (and no bibber than) 1200 x 630 px. Minimum size is 600 x 315 (I like 800 x 420, but that's just me).

    It will still work if you use a different size. But best practice is those dimensions. But hey, I am OCD about that stuff :-)
