page visits 0 seconds
Forgive me if this is a silly question but i've just set up a site thats gone live and i'm directing fb ads to it and my analytics show the page visits for all of them are 0 seconds? Is there something obviously wrong with my site
Or is the viewer not on enough or interact enough to be a valid count or something?
thanks in advance
Do you mean on Google Analytics, Duda internal analytics, Facebook? What are you looking at for analytics? Maybe give it 24 hours also to see the report data update.
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Do you mean on Google Analytics, Duda internal analytics, Facebook? What are you looking at for analytics? Maybe give it 24 hours also to see the report data update.
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Welcome to the joy that is Facebook ads. ;) Seriously, you will see a fair number of 0-second clicks from FB ads. These are actually sub-15-second clicks, which I think is the smallest time segment Google Analytics will count.
Hopefully, they aren't all 0-second clicks. On the Facebook side of things I would reduce the audience size by geo-targeting or by tightening up the interests. The larger the starting audience the worse this is as Facebook tries to sort out who the right audience is for your ads. On the website side of things I would ad page scroll tracking to see if those 0-second visits are scrolling the page at all or just bouncing right back to facebook.
And finally, is this primarily on mobile or desktop? Facebook mobile is the worst for this because of fat fingers and scrolling users.