What's the best way to make selective updates to a site?

Vanessa_Browne Member Posts: 18

I'm making some quite substantial updates to a client site that involves brand new pages as well as updates to existing pages and updates to the navigation menu.

Would love to know how other people go about this......I know I can re-publish existing pages (without an entire site re-publish) but there doesn't seem to be a way to publish just one new page without publishing the whole site again.

How do you go about making lots of updates to a site in stages? Or do I just have to do the entire project and then re-publish all at once?

Best Answers

  • Aj_Cre8
    Aj_Cre8 Member Posts: 678 MVP
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Vanessa_Browne. I would make the updates to the existing pages first (and publish page per page). Then, after all the changes to the current pages are done, I would add all the new pages, and republish to launch new pages... You are correct.. You can not add a new page in the editor and republish that single page until it is already added on the life site.. However, that would be an awesome feature request, so be sure to put it in the idea board.

  • Vanessa_Browne
    Vanessa_Browne Member Posts: 18
    Answer ✓

    Thanks AJ! I think your recommendation sounds great. I do have an added complication in that some of the existing pages that are being updated have links and references to the new pages......

    Sounds like the process will need to involve a lot of back and forth. I've ended up duplicating a lot of the pages that are being updated and setting them to no index so I can work on them, along with some of the new pages, so that I can do a whole site update (I also needed to get rid of a pop-up on the home page). Then, once the amended pages are good to go, I re-publish the single page after removing the no index.

    Seems like there should be a better way to go about this! Appreciate you confirming that there probably isn't anything that I'm missing - it's just a messy process.

  • courtneyquaresimo
    courtneyquaresimo Member Posts: 184 Leader
    Answer ✓

    Going the no index route would be the way I would go as well. I've done this a few times and it seems to flow okay
