Anyone ever have issues with the RSS feed widget?
I am trying to add an RSS feed from another Duda website but I keep getting the error message 'invalid RSS feed URL'. Am I missing something?
For reference, here is the RSS feed URL I am trying to use:
Best Answer
The RSS Feed widget can only display posts from an external feed - not from a Duda feed (see note here
I'm having the same exact issue from a Duda site blog - to another Duda site blog. The URL passes verification through an outside authenticator, but really don't understand why Duda doesn't like a Duda RSS lol
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Yeah I was scratching my head. Hopefully someone from Duda can jump in and explain.
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Have you opened a support ticket?? I have not experienced this, but I also do not import post from the RSS feed tool. I copy the blog post manually. It is more tedious, but I can ensure things are accurate that way.