Free product/gift per order in the e-commerce

Hi :)

Our customer wants to give a free gift/product for each order automatically. Does anyone has an idea how to solve it? We would also be open to use an App but I just coudn't find anything.



  • Brenna_Duda
    Brenna_Duda Member Posts: 29 mod

    Hi, so there is not a way to add the free gift automatically. However, a workaround could be to add the free gift as an "option" to each product. The only downside is that the shopper would have to select the option for a free gift (you can have a dropdown list, radio button, checkbox, text field, text area, date picker, or file uploader). And there is no way to have the option auto-selected for the shopper, unless there are multiple options. Which in your case wouldn't be relevant since the client probably doesn't want to give the shopper an option to select "no free gift" versus "free gift".

    Here is our support article on how to create product options, if you decide to go this route: