Import RSS media into Duda Blog
How do I set the following information in my Blog posts from my imported RSS feed?
'Post main image'
'Post thumbnail'
'Post thumbnail Alt text'
'Post Tags'
My RSS feed item structure is as follows:
<item> <title>My Title</title> <link></link> <category>My category</category> <enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg"/> <media:thumbnail url=""/> <media:content url="https://mysite/image.jpg" width="600" height="480" type="image/jpeg" medium="image"/> <pubDate>Tue, 26 Jul 2022 12:00:00 -0400</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">123456</guid> <description>My blog description.</description> <content:encoded>My blog full details.</content:encoded> </item>
There are separate media assets for thumbnail and content. Can the Blog importer distinguish between 'Post main image' and 'Post thumbnail' in the RSS feed?
My feed contains the "<category>" tag but it does not appear on the imported blog post. How do I set the 'Post Tags' ?
Can anyone provide an example of RSS feed XML that will populate all the Blog post fields?
Duda documentation is a little sparse on RSS xml feed structure requirements.
I am sorry to say that it is currently not possible to import the following: post main images, thumbnail alt texts, or post tags. I apologize for this limitation! We can, however, import post thumbnails, and our support team can set the thumbnails as main post images in the backend.
The following is an example of an item pulled from one of our feeds. Please feel free to use this as the structure to import your posts. The tags in the RSS feed XML below represent the only post fields we can import:
<item> <title>Post Title</title> <link></link> <description>Post Description</description> <content:encoded><div data-rss-type="text"><div><p>body</p></div></content:encoded> <pubDate>Wed, 19 Oct 2022 17:07:44 GMT</pubDate> <author> (FirstName LastName)</author> <guid></guid> <media:content medium="image" url="image.jpg"/> </item>
The <media:content> will hold your thumbnail image.
I hope you find this helpful!