Is there a way to create a website by combining different sections of multiple Duda templates?
There is never one single Duda template that I love completely. I usually like different parts of different templates.
So is there a way to quickly create a website by combining different sections of multiple Duda templates?
For example, I want the Hero section of Duda's "Gardening" template, the About section of Duda's "Dental Office" template, and the Contact section of Duda's "Life Insurance" template.
How would I go about creating a website by combining those three sections?
Best Answers
Yes. If you want to save the section, it must be a site within your dashboard. Once you save the section you can delete the site. That is the only way to get a section saved. You will have the option to save the row, or the entire page.
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Yes. As far as I am aware, you need to be in edit mode for the website in order to save or create reusable sections (or rows) from that specific site.
Take the sections you like, right click and SAVE AS SECTION.
Then on your new site the sections will be available on the "Add New Section".
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Do you mean I have to create three different new websites first from each of the three templates I like, and then go into each of the new websites in my Dashboard to save the sections that I like?