Any updates on when Snipcart will be integrated?

Lonny Member Posts: 9

Any updates on when Snipcart will be integrated?



  • Aj_Cre8
    Aj_Cre8 Member Posts: 678 MVP

    There is no official word yet as its still in the early stages since Duda acquired it. A lot has to happen for two systems to be integrated together.. Maybe @Sheyla can tag some Duda Teams members to shine some OFFICIAL light on the question.

  • The Duda Team
    The Duda Team Administrator, Moderator Posts: 303 Duda Staff

    Thanks for the tag, @Aj_Pfeil!

    @Lonny I can't share any details (yet), but I will be announcing any Snipcart updates in the community. You might want to follow the Announcement category :)

  • Paul_Lancieri
    Paul_Lancieri Member Posts: 14 MVP

    @Sheyla do you have any new information on this? I have a website and I am very curious about this. I searched the announcement section but did not find a thread on it.

  • Shane_Hodge
    Shane_Hodge Member Posts: 123 MVP
    edited April 2022

    @Aj_Pfeil @Lonny @francois @Paul_Lancieri I'm hearing all of the above LOL. My gut tells me it will be a basic in function when it first arrives but exciting being an actual duda thing as it can only grow. As a Solutions Partner we are super excited to have any form of dev/api access so we can get busy on Custom goodies and templates as thats been a thorn in our side with ecwid. So bring it onnnnn duda.

  • Pedro_Perez
    Pedro_Perez Member Posts: 13 MVP

    I've a custom integration with Ecwid. Basically I've requested and paid for a type of payment gateway (similar to It cost to me a few thousands for the custom programming and integration and I would like to have this same integration in the new Duda e-commerce so I can migrate current clients.

    This payment gateway is a local banking platforms that allows to transfer money between people or people-to-business. They have a payment button that can be integrated to websites / checkouts on any e-commerce system.

    I've the documentation and seems pretty easy to integrate anywhere. I would love to send the documentation if Duda think it's possible to integrate it.

    As it is a local product, it is very attractive to my clients and prospects because no other e-commerce platform have it (unless it is custom programmed).

  • The Duda Team
    The Duda Team Administrator, Moderator Posts: 303 Duda Staff

    Feel free to provide more details and I'd be happy to forward them to the team :)

  • Pedro_Perez
    Pedro_Perez Member Posts: 13 MVP

    Hi Sheyla! This is the GitHub documentation to integrate the payment button I had mentioned:

  • Pedro_Perez
    Pedro_Perez Member Posts: 13 MVP

    Question for the Snipcart head team: Will be possible to have customer groups? I would love to have the option to set pricing based on customer groups like normal customers $50.00, VIP customers $40.00, Wholesale customers $30.00. Price need to be changed per product/variations.

    Ecwid have a similar option but it is based on discounts (%) and not on custom pricing.

  • The Duda Team
    The Duda Team Administrator, Moderator Posts: 303 Duda Staff