#TuesdayTips - How to Use the Duda Icon Widget with SVGs

Anath Member Posts: 5 mod

Hello Everyone!

I’m @Anath, UI Design Lead here at Duda. Today I want to quickly walk you through how to optimize your website icons by using SVGs. Let's go!

How to Use the Duda Icon Widget with SVGs

It's quite simple once you get the hang of it!

A helpful guide from our Support center also mentions:

  • SVGs are image files that contain HTML code, meaning when you add an SVG icon to your site you are also adding lines of code. Multiple complex SVGs can add thousands of lines of code and cause your site to load slowly. If you need to use multiple SVG icons on the same page, we recommend turning some of them into regular images (.png, .jpeg, etc) to avoid loading or functionality issues.

Leave a comment if you have any questions! Thanks :)

*Want to create a tip yourself that Duda will feature here & on social media? Message our Community Manager - @ScottyStrehlow



  • maruusa
    maruusa Member Posts: 2

    This is one of the best articles slope I have ever read on this blog. Thank you for sharing very interesting information.