Page change management and import questions

jussi Member Posts: 2

Hi All,

Currently evaluating Duda for a move from wordpress, however, I have several concerns.

  1. Change management/Diffs
    So we have 1 site, multi language (2 languages).
    I have noticed that this is supported and there is a workaround for the blog posts, which seems reasonable.
    However, i need some information about how to manage this, especially when we make changes. So, to that end:
    1. Is there a diff available for changes - not just for the last one → now, but ideally with a way to tag them as "translated" or something like that - the point being that when the translator makes an update they would tag the change version (commit?), then when they come back, they can know where to lok for the changes from. (or is there a supported/better way to do this?)
  2. Blog import.
    If we do the import from Word press with the rss feed (we have about 100 posts currently) then how do we import the other language posts? can these posts then be linked to their english language counterparts?
  3. Page import
    1. I Couldnt yet find information on actually "how" to do the page importing. Theres a lot of sales speak and reasoning here, but no guide… (so much for "practical").
      Can anyone point me to a real guide that lets me know how to achieve it properly?


  • visioncraft
    visioncraft Member Posts: 162 Learner

    Hi there, @jussi - welcome to the Community! :)

    No sure whether this is what you're looking for in your point 3.a. above, but here are a couple of articles that cover importing Blogs:

    Import Blog Posts from RSS Feeds

    Let us know whether these give you enough guidance, or whether there are any specific steps that seem confusing.

    In regards to your "Change/Diff Management" question, I'm guessing that what you're doing there is using your vcs diffs to keep track of what translation work has been done, what is still to do, etc. If that is indeed the case, the Site Comments feature of Duda might work: for example, when a new blog article is added to the site, you add a new comment (which is a 'to-do') for the translator to follow-up. This will give you a list of tasks that still need to be done, as well as keeping a record of when they were resolved/done. This might provide you with a simpler, more elegant workflow going forward with new articles.

    As far as bringing the existing articles, including previously translated versions, into the new site, there may be ways to fully automate the task, but honestly, 100 articles is not that many. I'd probably tackle it by importing the 'default language' ones via RSS, and then manually importing and setting up the translations. It's a bit laborious, but you'll probably be done in a couple of days. If you try automating it, you'll need to double-check that all the content you wanted was properly imported, and just checking all that will take you a day anyway.

    I hope these suggestions help a little!