Row Height Settings

Ken Member Posts: 13

I think this is fairly straight forward but I can't seem to find this setting and I can't seem to find it in the community questions and the support section:

How can I set a specific row height?

Best Answer

  • Thomas_Connery
    Thomas_Connery Member Posts: 256 MVP
    Answer ✓

    Ken, why do you need to specify a row height? Also, are you trying to do this in flex mode or in a normal row? As you add content, it should be dynamic. You can also add padding to expand the row. There are global row and column spacing settings as well as individual spacing settings per row or column. Some people use the spacer widget to expand a row so it fills up more space as well.

    For example, you can add a new row, set the padding to zero, and then drag a spacer widget into the row and the total height will be 15px by default. You can then alter the spacer value to make it 200px for example.


  • Ken
    Ken Member Posts: 13

    Thanks Thomas! The spacer solution seems to be it.

    For context on my question: I am trying to set a standard header row, using a normal row, for different pages. I can see the padding settings but need the row height to stay fixed.

  • Thomas_Connery
    Thomas_Connery Member Posts: 256 MVP

    Awesome, glad the spacer helped.

  • ScottyStrehlow
    ScottyStrehlow Member Posts: 356 Duda Staff

    Great advice, thanks for sharing @Thomas_Connery!

    I deal with padding issues on builds sometimes as well. A spacer helps get you to where you envisioned. 🙏