Duda Editor 2.0 - Answers to Common Questions

ScottyStrehlow Member Posts: 356 Duda Staff

Hello Duda Builders,

We recently held a Q&A webinar where we discussed details about the upcoming Duda Editor 2.0 that will be available in the future. To help summarize some of the most common questions and answers, I've put together a graphic below:

Answers to Common Questions about Duda's Editor 2.0

I hope this helps give more clarity! You can also watch the full featuring two members of Duda's Product team - Liron and Maayan:Duda Editor 2.0 Webinar

Plus, sign up to get early access to Duda's Editor 2.0 using the page linked below:

Big things coming! Don't hesitate to share any thoughts you have in the comments below. 😊 ⬇️

