Can a file be uploaded using the default domain name?

Jade Member Posts: 2

Hi all!

I have a link embedded in my website that downloads a PDF (i.e. 'file to download'). The URL for the PDF uses Duda's default domain name like this: (this is just an example).

I want the PDF to be linked to be my paid domain name that I have linked to my site. Example:

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Best Answer

  • Thomas_Connery
    Thomas_Connery Member Posts: 264 MVP
    edited January 29 Answer ✓

    Hi Jade, you can manually create a redirect as a url option or forwarder for the pdf if preferred. You cannot change the CDN url.


  • RoyalOakFarm
    RoyalOakFarm Member Posts: 2

    I've tried this on several occasions and it failed to work each time I tried. I cannot get the redirect to connect to the PDF files using the redirect. It just keeps going to the original CDN url. What am I missing here?

  • Aj_Cre8
    Aj_Cre8 Member Posts: 678 MVP

    It will go to the CDN address. It's a redirect not a mask. The only reason to have a redirect is to make typing out the location shorter (not the destination).

  • RoyalOakFarm
    RoyalOakFarm Member Posts: 2

    Then this redirect idea is of no help to those who want to see their domain name attached to their PDF files for marketing purposes.

  • Aj_Cre8
    Aj_Cre8 Member Posts: 678 MVP

    I can understand that, but it was never mentioned that this was a Domain Masking solution. Its simply a redirect (taking you from one URL to another). If you need the PDF available on your domain, you may need to set it up as a mask in your DNS. Or if you want, you can use a custom widget to embed the PDF in your website on its own page and make it downloadable.

  • Jade
    Jade Member Posts: 2

    Hi all. That is an alright workaround which we will use. Similiar to RoyalOakFarm, we were hoping to have the domain name appear on the PDF when it's open for marketing reasons but if that's not a current feature, I understand.

    Thank you.