Best way of adding a T's and C's checkbox to a form

JEPG Member Posts: 4

I know i can add checkboxes to a form, but what is the best way of having the T's ad C's displayed and available for visitors to read

Best Answer

  • Ofri_Baram
    Ofri_Baram Member Posts: 13 mod
    Answer βœ“

    Hi @JEPG,

    Yes, this is an easy thing to add to any form. There's a field type called Opt-In that should work for you.

    Let me know if you have any other questions! 😊


  • Eva_Pettifor
    Eva_Pettifor Member Posts: 22 MVP

    I usually put a link in the site footer to T&C's, privacy policy etc.

  • JEPG
    JEPG Member Posts: 4

    I didn't phrase my question correctly, apologies.

    I need people who fill out a form to confirm they have read the t's and c's before they submit a form. This is fairly standard functionality and i implemented it on my old wordpress website here -

    What woud be a way of achieving similar with Duda forms?

  • Thomas_Connery
    Thomas_Connery Member Posts: 264 MVP

    Add an opt-in field to the contact form. It serves as a required checkbox. This can help to enforce your T's and C's.

  • JEPG
    JEPG Member Posts: 4

    Not quite the solution i am after but thank you. Is there a way of making the Opt in message a scroll text box. Or alternatively how could i make a text box a scroll box?

    The below is what I am trying to achieve

  • Ofri_Baram
    Ofri_Baram Member Posts: 13 mod

    Hi @JEPG - thanks for following up with further details, I can see that you'd like it more customized to the example you've shared.

    Duda's Contact Form widget is hard-coded, so you can go into the widget's code directly & update it to achieve this functionality. If you aren't familiar with coding, I could try to check with a few other team members to see if they have any detailed steps for you there.

    Alternatively, if you have the means I would suggest using Paperform. It's one of my favorite apps we have and offers a lot more advanced & customizable solutions.