Updating template preview image?

MrHasBean Member Posts: 10

Hi all!

Still wearing my Duda training wheels as I go through the process of learning the platform!

I absolutely love the custom template functionality but am wondering if there is a way of updating the preview image for a template, as shown on the template selection page, for a template which is based on one of the standard Duda templates, so that the preview reflects the changes which have been made to the template?

I tried searching the various support sections and couldn't find anything so I'm suspecting it can't be done?




Best Answers

  • Bruce_McCaughan
    Bruce_McCaughan Member Posts: 132 Learner
    Answer ✓

    Yeah, pretty sure that just generates itself as a screenshot of the main page. Not sure if it updates itself as you edit the page. The thumbnails that appear in our Sites Listing update themselves.

  • Bruce_McCaughan
    Bruce_McCaughan Member Posts: 132 Learner
    Answer ✓

    MrHasBeen, try this. Create a site with the template (don't need to publish it). Then save the new site as a template. Generating the new template should update the thumbnail.
