Near Me App - Uberall Reviews?

Sitefolk Member Posts: 25

Hi community,

I am really interested in the Near Me App by Uberall and would like to look into in in more detail. I have watched the Workshop: Uberall video which was good but didn't provide a demo of the actual app. The only way for me to explore the app is to sign on for an annual subscription.

Has anyone been using this app and what are your opinions of it? On the surface I am excited to use it, but without paying for it up-front I cannot really assess if it is right for me.

I contacted Uberall directly, but got directed to a partner reseller of theirs, who I have not heard back from and I am assuming may only be able to provide me with limited info around the Duda App.

Let me know your thoughts.


  • Sitefolk
    Sitefolk Member Posts: 25

    Bump. Anyone using this?

  • the_duda_app_guy
    the_duda_app_guy Member Posts: 31 mod

    Hey there @Sitefolk, I'm happy to help! I manage all of our apps here at Duda and am pretty tied to how each app functions.

    Uberall is an excellent option for simplifying listing your clients onto the respective search engines and platforms that enhance local SEO. For instance, having to manually go and add them to Google, Facebook, Bing, Yelp, etc. can be very time-consuming. Platforms like Uberall do this for you and keep the listings updated on an ongoing basis.

    The pricing is something you'll have to discuss with each client, but I have seen a lot of our agency partners sell this service as an add-on or "premium package" with the benefit of enhanced "Local SEO".

    They also have their reviews service which helps simplify the gathering and replying to reviews on the relevant platforms, which again is beneficial to your clients. All of this is an added value that you could offer as an add-on, premium plan, etc.

  • Sitefolk
    Sitefolk Member Posts: 25

    Thanks @the_duda_app_guy for your response.