Translate a website into different language, but use different default language

fhird Member Posts: 2
edited August 2023 in Ask a Question

Hello community,

We have a website that has a norwegian (NO) language as default. We support few languages on the website as well. One of them is british english (EN-GB). Now we would like to add american english (EN). The problem is, when I add american english language (EN), the whole page is in norwegian (NO) by default. Obvious scenario here is that we would like to reuse the british english page instead of copy-pasting everything. Is it possible to add a new language, but base on different default language (another that we currently support)?

I am not able to change default language in 'SITE LANGUAGE' section in 'SEO & SETTINGS' - this option is disabled (I do not know why).



  • Paola
    Paola Member Posts: 6 Support Team

    Hey @fhird

    At the moment it's not possible to change the default language, to do what you are trying you will need to delete all current languages (X them out) and then add EN-GB as default to translate into EN-US. Theres no way to manually copy paste, and it will also take you much time. Also, the system creates the pages per language when you use the tool.

    To clarify, you need to remove langs before changing the default lang. If you happened to fix translations manually already these will be lost once you delete the langs.

    To delete and re-add a language, then change the default language:

    1. Click Pages in the left panel
    2. Click Manage site languages
    3. Click the X next to the additional language(s)
    4. Hit Save

    I hope this helps!