Using an accordion for rows of content

JCITS Member Posts: 1

Does anyone know if you can use the accordion feature to expand or collapse several rows underneath it? thanks!

Best Answer

  • visioncraft
    visioncraft Member Posts: 162 Learner
    Answer ✓

    Are you trying to create an accordion with sub-levels? - i.e., once the visitor clicks on a heading, it opens up and displays a 'sub-accordion' with its own set of clickable headings?

    If so, the built-in accordion widget that Duda offers doesn't have that ability (yet). You might like to suggest that feature to the Duda developers, by posting it in the Duda Ideas board. You can also try checking the currently available apps that you can add to your site, as some may include widgets with extra functionality which may cover what you want to do. Lastly, if you're a savvy programmer, you can always create your own custom widget.

    Nevertheless, if the issue you're trying to solve is segmenting the information you want to display to your visitors, there may be a few different ways to tackle it. Here are a few suggestions:

    1. Use separate pages: the information you're offering often doesn't need to be presented in a single page, and sometimes it actually makes more navigation sense to split it into different pages — each with its own accordion.
    2. Separate using sections and sub-headings: instead of using a single accordion on the page, use several - each in its own section, with its own sub-heading. If you only have a few items per accordion, this is often the best solution, as it gives the visitor an in-depth overview of all the information available, all at once, without going into too much detail.
    3. Use 'more info' pop-ups: an alternative to creating separate pages or sections is to put each accordion you need into its own pop-up. All your information would still be inside a single page, but initially hidden. The visitor then selects which 'category' of information they want to dive into by clicking on a button or prompt, which triggers the appropriate pop-up to appear with all the specific info they need, in an accordion.

    The best solution will depend greatly on the content you're designing for, the target audience, the overall project requirements, and your own skills. Hope these suggestions help!