Does Duda Use Unsplash?

visioncraft Member Posts: 162 Learner

I thought I had read somewhere that when searching for 'free images' from inside the Media Manager, Duda searches both in Pexels and Unsplash. In my search results, however, I only see Pexels - even when searching for generic terms, like 'abstract white'.

Did I get it wrong, and Duda only uses Pexels, or is there a setting/trick for including images from Unsplash?…


Best Answer

  • Bruce_McCaughan
    Bruce_McCaughan Member Posts: 132 Learner
    Answer ✓

    No. They used to use Unsplash, now they use Pexels (as you have indicated).
    They were never using both. It was a switch from one to the other.


  • visioncraft
    visioncraft Member Posts: 162 Learner

    Thank you for the answer, @Bruce_McCaughan !

    It's an interesting decision by the Duda team - would love to know the reason why Unsplash was abandoned, as it has many high-quality images. I wonder whether it was a technical issue, or whether it has anything to do with Unsplash's image licensing policy…?

  • Bruce_McCaughan
    Bruce_McCaughan Member Posts: 132 Learner

    It might have to do with Unsplash being owned by Getty Images. Whereas Pexels is owned by Canva.
    And whether or not Duda has to pay api fees, etc..