Advice on AudioEye & Accessibility Issues


We recently added AudioEye Standard to our agency's website. We wanted to install it on our website to gain experience and learn about the recommendations and solutions it offers.

After about 48 hours, we have roughly 2,500 "Custom Solution Needed" fixes, 1,300 of these are "Element with an ARIA role doesn't have a required parent element."

I'm not a coder, I don't know how to address something like that or even if it can be addressed.

I'm curious how others using AudioEye have resolved this issue (and other issues), or would this be addressed if we upgraded to the Premium account?

I appreciate any insights and experience shares.

Thank you.

Best Answer


  • the_duda_app_guy
    the_duda_app_guy Member Posts: 24 mod

    Hey @Bryon_McCartney happy to help look into this. Can you shoot me an email with the site you're referring to? ( I'd like to take a look before I provide a response.

    First pass: you don't need to upgrade to the Premium version of AudioEye. AudioEye's Standard Plan will resolve most of the issues at the template level, meaning they go in and fix issues based on the template you are using.