Are there any more white label Ebooks on Duda?
So I came across the 'tis the season white label Ebook on the marketing material page. Does anyone know if there are any other white label Ebooks here that are not seasonal?
Best Answer
There are not.. Only what is available via the resources tab! What types of eBook are you looking for? There may be a pro who is willing to write and publish one :-)
@Aj_Pfeil Thanks for your reply Aj! I have a few eBooks written currently and a few in the works but I'm always looking to build up as much informational content as I can! I just thought the 'tis the season one was so eye-appealing and engaging and would do very well with our target audience. We love pushing out tips and tricks content to our clients and followers. I'm absolutely open to talking with an expert about what else we can push out there!